Posts by Ely

Virginie Simoneau-Gilbert’s book launch by the Editions Somme toute | June, 9 2019

The Editors Somme toute organize the launch of the new book of Virginie Simoneau-Gilbert (2019) Au nom des animaux :...

June 5 | CRÉ/GRÉEA’s Conference- Jérôme Segal

GRÉEA and CRÉ are pleased to have Jérôme Segal (ESPE Paris, Université Paris Sorbonne) for a conference on « Le véganisme...

Book review of A. Federau, “Pour une philosophie de l’Anthropocène” by S. Rousseau-Mermans

A book review of Alexander Federau, Pour une philosophie de l’Anthropocène (2017), by Sophia Rousseau-Mermans has been published in La...

New publication of J-S Beaudry, “Are Animals Persons? Why Ask?”, in Journal of Animal Ethics

Jonas-Sébastien Beaudry’s paper, “Are Animals Persons? Why Ask?”, has been published in the 2019 spring issue of the Journal of...

2-3 May | GREEA’s annual conference: Questions in animal and environmental ethics

Poster of the event Program DAY 1 – Thursday 2 May 2019 – Room 307, 2910 Edouard-Montpetit 13h30-14h30 Kristin Voigt...

GRÉEA gets a grant from the FRQ-SC (2019-2021)

English version to come Le GRÉEA est heureux d’annoncer l’obtention d’une subvention du Fond de recherche du Québec – Société...

Call for papers: “Animals in ethnography”, MNHN, Paris | Dead-line: April, 30

Official announcement: Organisation Société d’ethnologie française, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, UMR PALOC, UMR Triangle Fondation Adrienne et Pierre Sommer...

Interview of Christiane Bailey in L’Amorce

Christiane Bailey has been interviewed by Martin Gibert on her new book La philosophie à l’abattoir (2018), co-written with Jean-Francois...

New publication of V. Giroux

A new paper of Valéry Giroux has been published in the special issue “Le statut juridique de l’animal” in Revue du...

April, 23 – Launch of the special issue “Climate Change, Autonomy of Nature, and Animal Suffering: Rethinking Borders Between Animal Ethics and Environmental Ethics”, Les ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum

For the publication of the special issue “Climate change, nature’s autonomy and animal suffering: rethinking the boundaries between animal ethics...