Posts by Ely

GRÉEA Fall program is out!

Download the program (pdf) Online presentations Preregistration: All events are scheduled according to the Eastern time Zone (Tiohtiá:ke/Montréal). October...

Launch of two new reading groups!

Two reading groups will be organized this year at the GRÉEA. Please note that in fall, the meeting will mostly...

Excerpt of V. Giroux’s new book, “L’antispécisme”, in La Presse

An excerpt of V. Giroux’s new book, “L’antispécisme” (2020, PUF), has been published in La Presse. To read the excerpt:...

GRÉEA Graduate student scholarship competition | Dead-line: September 15th

The Research Group in Environmental and Animal Ethics (GRÉEA) is pleased to announce its annual graduate student scholarship competition. One...

A. Pepper’s new publication, “Political Agency in Humans and Other Animals”

A new paper of Angie Pepper has been published in Contemporary Political Theory, entitled “Political Agency in Humans and Other...

New paper of S. Donaldson, “Animals and Citizenship”

Sue Donaldson has published a paper entitled « Animals and Citizenship » in the last issue of Minding Nature (vol. 13, n....

New book of R. Ziegler, “Innovation, Ethics and our Common Futures. A Collaborative Philosophy”

Rafael Ziegler has just published a new book, Innovation, Ethics and our Common Futures. A Collaborative Philosophy (Edward Edgar Publishing)....

V. Giroux and F. Côté-Boudreau are the guests of the podcast The animal turn

Last June, Valéry Giroux and Frédéric Côté-Boudreau were invited to present their research in the podcast The Animal turn. #8...

Winner of the Julien Hivon Scholarship

The GRÉEA is glad to announce that the winner of the Julien Hivon Scholarship in animal ethics is Stephanie Eccles,...

CRÉ/GRÉEA’s postdoc researchers in 2020-2021

GRÉEA and CRÉ are pleased to announce the visit of two postdoc researchers for the 2020-2021 academic year: Rainer Ebert,...