
Visiting researcher: Victor Lefèvre, Paris 1-IHPST

GRÉEA & CRÉ are pleased to welcome Victor Lefèvre, PhD student in philosophy and history of ecology at Université Paris...

GRÉEA on PeerTube, YouTube & Soundcloud

GRÉEA is pleased to announce the launch of its PeerTube, YouTube & Soundcloud channels to watch, listen and (audio only)...

« Doit-on contrôler les populations fauniques? », V. Giroux & A. C-Dussault in Le Quotidien

Valéry Giroux and Antoine C. Dussault have been asked by Guillaume Roy of Le Quotidien to explain antispecist (Giroux) and...

V. Giroux talks about antispecism on “Il est temps”, ARTE program

V. Giroux explains what is antispecism on ARTE program Il est temps. Watch the video:

2nd GRÉEA Graduate student scholarship competition (2020-2021) | Deadline: December, 1st

The Research Group in Environmental and Animal Ethics (GRÉEA) is launching a second graduate student scholarship competition for the 2020/21...

Veganism & antispeciesm: The work of GRÉEA’s researchers in the media

The work of our researchers have recently been mentioned in Le Monde and by Radio Canada (in French): Dans un...

Award recipient of GRÉEA’s Graduate student scholarship (fall 2020)

The GRÉEA is pleased to announce the award recipient of its graduate student scholarship competition (fall 2020). Véronique Armstrong, PhD...

Excerpt of V. Giroux’s new book, “L’antispécisme”, in La Presse

An excerpt of V. Giroux’s new book, “L’antispécisme” (2020, PUF), has been published in La Presse. To read the excerpt:...

GRÉEA Graduate student scholarship competition | Dead-line: September 15th

The Research Group in Environmental and Animal Ethics (GRÉEA) is pleased to announce its annual graduate student scholarship competition. One...

Winner of the Julien Hivon Scholarship

The GRÉEA is glad to announce that the winner of the Julien Hivon Scholarship in animal ethics is Stephanie Eccles,...