New book by François Jaquet “Le pire des mots”
The book by François Jaquet (GRÉEA), Le pire des maux, éthique et ontologie du spécisme, has just been published. Book...
The book by François Jaquet (GRÉEA), Le pire des maux, éthique et ontologie du spécisme, has just been published. Book...
Angela Martin is publishing a new book entitled The Moral Implications of Human and Animal Vulnerability, to be published in...
Eze Paez has published a new paper entitled “Wild Animal Ethics: A Freedom-Based Approach” in the journal Ethics, Policy &...
Olusegun Samuel wrote a new article entitled “Addressing fragmented human–nonhuman interactions through an ubuntu ‘mixed’ ethics” in The Philosophical Forum....
Olusegun Samuel has published a new paper entitled “Ubuntu and the Problem of Belonging” in Ethics, Policy & Environment. Abstract...
The Ethics of Animal Shelters, a collective volume from the exciting project initiated by Kristin Voigt in collaboration with the...
Laurent Jodoin co-authored a new article entitled “Making energy justice work for women in rural sub-Saharan Africa: A qualitative diagnostic...
Laurent Jodoin signs a chapter in the collective work Le Devoir de philo – Démocratie, liberté et politique published by...
Valéry Giroux, Martin Gibert and François Jaquet signed a response to an article by the confédération paysanne (“La végétalisation de...
Antoine C. Dussault has published a new paper entitled « A clarification on the Boorse-Wakefield debate about health: is the theoretical/therapeutic...