Excerpt of V. Giroux’s new book, “L’antispécisme”, in La Presse
An excerpt of V. Giroux’s new book, “L’antispécisme” (2020, PUF), has been published in La Presse. To read the excerpt:...
An excerpt of V. Giroux’s new book, “L’antispécisme” (2020, PUF), has been published in La Presse. To read the excerpt:...
A new paper of Angie Pepper has been published in Contemporary Political Theory, entitled “Political Agency in Humans and Other...
Sue Donaldson has published a paper entitled « Animals and Citizenship » in the last issue of Minding Nature (vol. 13, n....
Rafael Ziegler has just published a new book, Innovation, Ethics and our Common Futures. A Collaborative Philosophy (Edward Edgar Publishing)....
Valéry Giroux’s new book, L’antispécisme, is now available at the Éditions Que sais-je?
Antoine C-Dussault’s paper, “Neither superorganisms nor mere species aggregates: Charles Elton’s sociological analogies and his moderate holism about ecological communities“,...
Richard Healey et Angie Peppe’s new paper « Interspecies justice: agency, self-determination, and assent » has been published in Philosophical...
Interviewed by Mediapart, Virginie Maris presents an analysis of the coronavirus epidemic in which she suggests some ways of socially...
Le Devoir publishes an interview with Valérie Giroux on the issue of animal exploitation in the context of the current...
This text is part of a series of posts on the pandemic recently launched by the Centre de recherche en...