

Angela K. Martin: “Wildtierethik”. In Metzler Handbuch für Tierethik. Metzler-Verlag, à paraître en 2018.

“Respecting Animals – Can Animals be Wronged without being Harmed?”

Angela K. Martin: “Respecting Animals – Can Animals be Wronged without being Harmed?” Res Publica. A Journal of Moral, Legal and Political Philosophy.

“Can Autopoiesis Ground a Response to the Selectionist Critique of Ecocentrism?”

Antoine C.-Dussault, A. C., à paraître, “Can Autopoiesis Ground a Response to the Selectionist Critique of Ecocentrism?” In New Directions...

“Ecological Nature: A Non-Dualistic Concept for Rethinking Humankind’s place in the World”

Antoine C. Dussault, 2016, « Ecological Nature: A Non-Dualistic Concept for Rethinking Humankind’s place in the World », Ethics and the...


Valéry Giroux (2016) – “Véganisme (GP)” – L’encyclopédie Philosophique.

“Animals Do Have an Interest in Liberty”

Valéry Giroux – « Animals Do Have an Interest in Liberty » – Journal of Animal Ethics (6) 1, p....

“Dépôts de déchets métropolitains et justice environnementale”

Marie-Noëlle Carré (2017) – “Dépôts de déchets métropolitains et justice environnementale” – Les ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum.

“Environmental Values, Human Nature, and Economic Democracy”

Gregory Mikkelson (2017) – “Environmental Values, Human Nature, and Economic Democracy” – Human Ecology, Online First.

Special file on animal ethics

Mauro Rossi (dir.), “L’éthique animale”, special file in Revue Ithaque, No. 18 (Printemps 2016).

“Libération sans droit à la liberté?”

Emilie Dardenne, Valéry Giroux and Enrique Utria, Peter Singer et la libération animale. Quarante ans plus tard, Rennes, Presses universitaires...