
François Jaquet’s book review in L’Amorce

François Jaquet has published a review of Frédéric Lenoir’s book (2017), Lettre ouverte aux animaux (et à ceux qui les...

New publication – Greg Mikkelson (2019), “Holistic vs. individualistic non-anthropocentrism”

Greg Mikkelson’s paper “Holistic vs. individualistic non-anthropocentrism” has been published in the last issue (January 2019) of The Ecological Citizen....


François Jaquet signe une nouvelle entrée grand public intitulée « Spécisme » dans l’Encyclopédie philosophique.

Publication of the special issue “Climate Change, Autonomy of Nature, and Animal Suffering: Rethinking Borders Between Animal Ethics and Environmental Ethics”, The Ethics Forum/Ateliers de l’éthique

GRÉEA is pleased to announce the publication of the special issue “Climate Change, Autonomy of Nature and Animal Suffering: Rethinking...

“A debunking argument against speciesism”

Nouvelle publication de François Jaquet, dans Synthese. Un article intitulé “A debunking argument against speciesism“. Abstract Many people believe that...

Discussion autour du livre La philosophie à l’abattoir de Christiane Bailey et Jean-François Labonté

At the Zone-libre bookstore on Sainte-Catherine Street this evening, there will be a discussion led by Martin Gibert on the...

A journal devoted to the moral, political, cultural and social aspects of speciesism is launched!

L’Amorce, un projet collectif Comme tout le monde, nous avons profité de l’exploitation des animaux. Nous en sommes les bénéficiaires,...

“Adapting to Climate Change: What We Owe to Other Animal”

Angie Pepper signe un article intitulé “Adapting to Climate Change: What We Owe to Other Animals” qui vient de paraître...

“Justice for Animals as Non-Domination”

Un nouvel article, co-écrit par Valéry Giroux et Carl Saucier-Bouffard, intitulé “Justice for Animals as Non-Domination” est paru dans Andrew...

“Tom Regan – Are we allowed to eat animals?”

Angela K. Martin: “Tom Regan – Are we allowed to eat animals?” In: „Themen analytischer Philosophie. Eine Einführung in 16 Fragen und 16,...