« Doit-on contrôler les populations fauniques? », V. Giroux & A. C-Dussault in Le Quotidien

Valéry Giroux and Antoine C. Dussault have been asked by Guillaume Roy of Le Quotidien to explain antispecist (Giroux) and ecocentrist (C.-Dussault) views on animal populations control in natural areas.

This interview follows the conflict over the City of Longueuil’s initial decision to kill part of the white-tailed deer population present in Michel-Chartrand Park in order to reduce the pressure exerted by deer on the park’s ecosystem (decision aborted on November 24, 2020).

To read the article: https://www.lequotidien.com/actualites/doit-on-controler-les-populations-fauniques-c0ebbe83550cf17905f3428251304259