GRÉEA Graduate student scholarship competition | Dead-line: September 15th

The Research Group in Environmental and Animal Ethics (GRÉEA) is pleased to announce its annual graduate student scholarship competition.

One scholarship of $5,000 will be awarded for the academic year 2020-2021 to a graduate student (Master’s or PhD level) who is supervised by a member of GRÉEA and who works on environmental ethics and/or animal ethics. We are particularly interested in candidates whose work connects with one or more of the following topics:

  1. Fundamental normative issues in animal ethics and/or environmental ethics;
  2. Practical issues related to our relationship to non-human animals and nature;
  3. Scientific knowledge and epistemological approaches that can help to elucidate our relationship with non-human entities.

The recipient of the scholarship is expected to participate in GRÉEA’s activities and to help organize GRÉEA’s annual conference, which should be held in May/June 2021 (to be confirmed). The student will have the opportunity to organize activities related to GRÉEA’s research axes with logistical and financial support from GRÉEA (subject to approval by GRÉEA’s executive committee) and to have a desk at the Centre de recherche en éthique (CRÉ) on the campus of Université de Montréal, subject to availability.

How to apply

Documents to provide:

  • Completed application form to download here
  • a cover letter (max. 1,000 words);
  • a summary of the research project (max. 1,000 words);
  • transcripts for graduate studies (optional: certificates of maternity leave, sick leave or of other exceptional circumstances relevant to the application can be provided at the discretion of the candidates);
  • curriculum vitae;
  • two letters of recommendation directly sent by email by the referees (NB: referees may include members of GRÉEA)

Except for the letters of recommendation, applicants must sent all their documents in one single pdf file to Ely Mermans ( by September 15th, 2020. Applications can be submitted in English or French.

Evaluation of the applications and publication of the result

Among equally qualified candidates, preference will be given to applicants from minority groups and applicants whose research projects have received less funding.

We strongly encourage applications from women, indigenous persons, racialized persons and members of visible or ethnic minorities, persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities and/or with disabilities.

The recipient of the scholarship will be notified by the mid-October 2020.

GRÉEA acknowledges that its main activities are held on unceded First Nations’ territories in Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal which is historically known as a meeting place for many First Nations.