New publication of R. Audet : « At the Crossroads of Possibilities. What Social Innovations Against Social, Environmental and Epistemic Injustices? »

René Audet cosign the editorial in the new special issue of the Canadian journal of nonprofit and social economy research entitled: ” At the Crossroads of Possibilities. What Social Innovations Against Social, Environmental and Epistemic Injustices? ”.


This special issue of CJNSER draws from the 6th International Conference of the Centre for Research on Social Innovations (CRISES), which took place in spring 2021, in the middle of the pandemic, under the title “At the cross-roads of possibilities. What social innovations against social, environmental, and epistemic in-justices?” This conference sought to under-stand the interconnections between the different crises taking place (environmental, so-cioeconomic, sanitary, political) and the role of social innovations that arose to deal with them. The objective was to better distinguish, among the innovations, the ones that could best con-tribute to the fight against social, environmen-tal, and epistemic injustices.