Martin Gibert invited to ″Comme un poisson dans l’eau” podcast
Discover this new podcast created and hosted by Victor Duran-Le Peuch dedicated to the fight against speciesism. It features regular...
Discover this new podcast created and hosted by Victor Duran-Le Peuch dedicated to the fight against speciesism. It features regular...
The recording of the talk of Frauke Albersmeier (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf), “The ambivalence of speciesism“, is now available online: Youtube (with...
Marine Fauché, Virginie Maris and Clara Poirier co-sign a text entitled « Sauvages, naturelles, vivantes, en libre évolution… quels mots pour...
Antoine C.-Dussault signs a paper entitled : « Wakefield’s harmful dysfunction analysis of disorder and the problem of defining harm...
Charles Fontaine signs a review of the collective book « (V)égaux : vers un véganisme intersectionnel » entitled « Véganes...
[External announcement] Drawing on the vast network of researchers in urban studies at Villes Regions Monde and the expertise of...
Juliette Roussin signs a text entitled « La démocratie délibérative sauvera-t-elle l’écologie? » in the collective book La démocratie écologique: une...
Antoine C.-Dussault signs a paper entitled : ”Two Notions of Ecological Function” in the journal Philosophy of Science. Abstract This...
Valéry Giroux signs an educational module entitled “Antispeciesist Perspectives” as part of the ATOPOS project of the Centre collégial de...
Rafael Ziegler cosign a paper entitled “Social innovation for biodiversity: A literature review and research challenges” in the journal Ecological...