Posts by Ely

Two new publications of Gregory Mikkelson

Gregory Mikkelson is co-author of a chapter entitled « Patterns on the land: Paakumshumwaau through the lens of natural history...

New publication of Greg Mikkelson – “Nature needs half: Implications for population, consumption and inequality in the ‘other half’”

Greg Mikkelson’s paper “Nature needs half: Implications for population, consumption and inequality in the ‘other half’” has been published in...

Virginie Simoneau-Gilbert writes Le Devoir d’histoire – « Les animaux, ces soldats oubliés de la Première Guerre mondiale »

As the occasion of the Remembrance Day, Virginie Simoneau-Gilbert wrote Le Devoir d’histoire in which she describes how central animals were...

November 20 – Philopolis opening night with F. Jaquet, V. Giroux & V. Simoneau-Gilbert

Francois Jaquet, Valéry Giroux et Virginie Simoneau-Gilbert will be the special guest of the Philopolis opening night of the 2020...

November 14 – Launch book for Yves-Marie Abraham’s new publication, “Guérir du mal infini”

Yves-Marie Abraham’s new book Guérir du mal de l’infini, Produire moins, partager plus, décider ensemble (Ecosociété ed.) will be launched...

Winner of GRÉEA’s graduate scholarship competition 2019-2020

The winner of GRÉEA’S graduate student scholarship competition for 2019-2020 is Virginie Simoneau-Gilbert, Master student in Philosophy at Université de...

November 21, CRÉ – Marc Fleurbaey’s presentation – Économie du bien-être animal, ou comment valoriser la biodiversité sans anthropocentrisme

As the first of the serie of videoconférences of CRÉ’S Ethics & Economy axis, Marc Fleurbaey (University Center for Human...

November 15, GRÉEA. Presentation of Stéphanie Posthumus – L’écocritique, vers une nouvelle analyse du réel, du vivant et du non-humain

GRÉEA is pleased to announce Stéphanie Posthumus’s conference (Mc Gill University) on “L’écocritique, vers une nouvelle analyse du réel, du...

Radio show to listen one more time: “La décroissance, une étape incontournable?”, Médium large, with Yves-Marie Abraham

On October 4, 2018, Yves-Marie Abraham was invited by Catherine Perrin in the radio show Médium large  (Radio Canada) to...

Call for papers – Vegetarian Epiphanies: From Realization to Changing Eating Habits – November 1st, 2019

Joint International and Interdisciplinary Conference April 16th-17th, 2020, Université de Rennes 1, Université Rennes 2, France May 28th-29th, 2020, University...