Posts by Ely

« Doit-on tous devenir véganes? », interview of V. Giroux in « Couple de nerds »

Valéry Giroux has participated to the program « Couple de nerds » directed by Marianne Desautels-Marissal (scientific journalist) and Matthieu Dugal (web,...

New book review of F. Jaquet, “Lire Paul Ariès sans culpabiliser”

A review of Paul Ariès’s new book, Lettre ouverte aux mangeurs de viande qui souhaitent le rester sans culpabiliser (2019),...

New publication of V. Giroux, “À propos des citoyennes nonhumaines dans la zoopolis”

A new paper of Valéry Giroux has been published in L’Amorce, “À propos des citoyennes nonhumaines dans la zoopolis” :...

Call for Applications for European Summer School in Human-Animal Studies – Dead-line: 31 March 2019

CfA: European Summer School “Interspecies Relationality” Deadline for Applications: 31 March 2019 We are inviting applications for the European Summer...

GRÉEA/CRÉ/SPCA Workshop – March 14 & 15, 2019

Animal welfare organizations : responding to ethical challenges Participation is free but space is limited. If you’d like to participate, please...

François Jaquet’s book review in L’Amorce

François Jaquet has published a review of Frédéric Lenoir’s book (2017), Lettre ouverte aux animaux (et à ceux qui les...

New publication – Greg Mikkelson (2019), “Holistic vs. individualistic non-anthropocentrism”

Greg Mikkelson’s paper “Holistic vs. individualistic non-anthropocentrism” has been published in the last issue (January 2019) of The Ecological Citizen....

CRÉ Workshop – February 4: “Environmental Injustice and Inequality”

Florence Larocque et Juliette Roussin, postdoc at the Centre de recherche en éthique, organize a workshop on «Environmental Injustice and...

Publication of the special issue “Climate Change, Autonomy of Nature, and Animal Suffering: Rethinking Borders Between Animal Ethics and Environmental Ethics”, The Ethics Forum/Ateliers de l’éthique

GRÉEA is pleased to announce the publication of the special issue “Climate Change, Autonomy of Nature and Animal Suffering: Rethinking...

“Bienvenue dans l’anthropocène !” – Interview of Virginie Maris in La Série documentaire (LSD), France culture

On January 10, 2019, Virginie Maris participated to the 4th episode of LSD’s (La série documentaire) documentary “Bienvenue dans l’anthropocène”...