“Adapting to Climate Change: What We Owe to Other Animal”
Angie Pepper signe un article intitulé “Adapting to Climate Change: What We Owe to Other Animals” qui vient de paraître...
Angie Pepper signe un article intitulé “Adapting to Climate Change: What We Owe to Other Animals” qui vient de paraître...
The Messerli Research Institute Vienna, Unit of Ethics and Human-Animal Studies, is looking for a PhD student (University Assistant) Grade:...
Un nouvel article, co-écrit par Valéry Giroux et Carl Saucier-Bouffard, intitulé “Justice for Animals as Non-Domination” est paru dans Andrew...
Un nouvel article, co-écrit par Valéry Giroux et Carl Saucier-Bouffard, intitulé “Justice for Animals as Non-Domination” est paru dans Andrew...
This year, the 1st Research Professionals Excellence Award from FRQ-SC was given to Valéry Giroux, co-coordinator of GREEA.
Ethical Diets and Animal Ethics — Beyond Extensionism An edited volume of new work in food and animal ethics. Springer...
Call for abstracts! The Society for the Study of Ethics and Animals (SSEA) invites abstracts for a day-long workshop on...
Angela K. Martin: “Tom Regan – Are we allowed to eat animals?” In: „Themen analytischer Philosophie. Eine Einführung in 16 Fragen und 16,...
Angela K. Martin: “Wildtierethik”. In Metzler Handbuch für Tierethik. Metzler-Verlag, à paraître en 2018.
Angela K. Martin: “Respecting Animals – Can Animals be Wronged without being Harmed?” Res Publica. A Journal of Moral, Legal and Political Philosophy.
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