Members’ activities

Y.-M. Abraham talks of economic degrowth at Les francs-Tireurs on Télé Québec

On February 12, Yves-Marie Abraham was invited to participate to a round-table on economic degrowth at the TV show Les...

Nuit de la lecture : Yves-Marie Abraham takes part in the round-table “Comment penser la transition écologique au Québec?”

Yves-Marie Abraham will take part in the round-table “Comment penser la transition écologique au Québec? ” organized by the Gallimard...

Graduate seminar “Éthique climatique et injustices environnementales” by Juliette Roussin, Université de Montréal

In Winter 2020, Juliette Roussin (CRÉ) hold a graduate seminar entitled Éthique climatique et injustices environnementales at Université de Montréal ...

V. Giroux & Y-M. Abraham interviewed at Le Grand chapitre (Savoir Media)

Valéry Giroux and Yves-Marie Abraham discuss meat consumption and degrowth at Le Grand chapitre in two shows (online on December...

Interview of Valéry Giroux at “Parlons Éthique”

As part of the podcast Parlons Éthique, Romain Rejasse & Keven Bisson from Université Laval interview Valéry Giroux on animal...

November 20 – Philopolis opening night with F. Jaquet, V. Giroux & V. Simoneau-Gilbert

Francois Jaquet, Valéry Giroux et Virginie Simoneau-Gilbert will be the special guest of the Philopolis opening night of the 2020...

November 14 – Launch book for Yves-Marie Abraham’s new publication, “Guérir du mal infini”

Yves-Marie Abraham’s new book Guérir du mal de l’infini, Produire moins, partager plus, décider ensemble (Ecosociété ed.) will be launched...

Radio show to listen one more time: “La décroissance, une étape incontournable?”, Médium large, with Yves-Marie Abraham

On October 4, 2018, Yves-Marie Abraham was invited by Catherine Perrin in the radio show Médium large  (Radio Canada) to...

New publication of Angela Martin, « Animal Vulnerability and its Ethical Implications: An Exploration »

A new paper of Angela Martin, “Animal Vulnerability and its Ethical Implications: An Exploration”, has been published in the Journal...

Will Kymlica is honoured with SSHRC’s gold medal

In September 2019, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) has honoured Will Kymlicka, researcher at Queen’s University and...