
A journal devoted to the moral, political, cultural and social aspects of speciesism is launched!

L’Amorce, un projet collectif Comme tout le monde, nous avons profité de l’exploitation des animaux. Nous en sommes les bénéficiaires,...

“Leading the unwilling: Unilateral strategies to prevent arctic oil exploration”

Justin Leroux and Daniel Spiro, “Leading the unwilling: Unilateral strategies to prevent arctic oil exploitation“, Resource and Energy Economics 54...

“Faut-il renvoyer le monde animal à l’état sauvage ?”

Une discussion autour de la question “Faut-il renvoyer le monde animal à l’état sauvage?“, sur France Culture, à l’émission Du...

6th Conference of the European Association for Critical Animal Studies (EACAS)

Rethinking revolution: Nonhuman animals, antispeciesism and power 6th Conference of the European Association for Critical Animal Studies (EACAS) Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra,...

Kristin Andrews (York University)

Kristin Andrews – Animal Rights and the Cluster Concept of Person Pour sa 35e conférence, Fillosophie a le plaisir d’accueillir Kristin...

A researcher in animal ethics at CRE for 2018-2019!

Following Angela Martin (animal ethics) and Angie Pepper (animal and environmental ethics), a new postdoc in animal ethics will be...

Animal Ethics PhD in Vienna / PhD en éthique animale à Vienne

The Messerli Research Institute Vienna, Unit of Ethics and Human-Animal Studies, is looking for a PhD student (University Assistant) Grade:...

Research in animal ethics rewarded by FRQ-SC!

This year, the 1st Research Professionals Excellence Award from FRQ-SC was given to Valéry Giroux, co-coordinator of GREEA.

Ethical Diets and Animal Ethics — Beyond Extensionism

Ethical Diets and Animal Ethics — Beyond Extensionism An edited volume of new work in food and animal ethics. Springer...

Conference on animal ethics, University of Colorado, Boulder

Call for abstracts! The Society for the Study of Ethics and Animals (SSEA) invites abstracts for a day-long workshop on...