Appel à communications – Conférence internationale 2017 CRÉ/GRÉEA : « Convergence and Divergence between Animal & Environmental Ethics » – EXTENSION (23 février)

The Centre de Recherche en Éthique (CRE) in association with the Groupe de recherche en éthique environnementale et animale (GRÉEA) will host an international conference on Convergence and Divergence between Animal and Environmental Ethics, which will be held in Montreal, on May 17-19, 2017.

The organizing committee of the conference invites graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and non-tenure track assistant professors to submit paper proposals to be considered for inclusion in the program of the conference. Papers addressing any philosophical issue relevant to the conference theme are welcome.

Up to four proposals will be selected. Each participant will have 45 minutes to present his or her paper and will benefit from a 45 minutes discussion with invited speakers and other participants.

Submission format and procedure: Please submit a 300-500 words abstract formatted for blind review (exclude any personal and institutional information). Email your submission as a Word or PDF attachment here.  The CRE will provide assistance for participant’s transportation and lodging expenses.

Extended deadline: Thursday, February 23, 2017.

Description of the conference and full call proposals and conference information can be downloaded here.